Archive for opposition to BSA religious exemption

End the Unholy Alliance

Posted in Humble musings on today's culture with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 28, 2015 by jcwill5

Ever since Communism, with its atheistic and anti-capitalist agenda, burst on the scene, American Evangelicals and American Business have made common cause.

In that era, traditional, god-fearing morality was part of being an American, as was capitalism

The freedom of people to buy and sell as they wished, and the freedom of people to worship as they wished, were under threat.

There was therefore a pro-morality and pro-defense and pro-business alliance that found itself in the Republican Party.

For our part, we Evangelicals overlooked the worship of greed and the injustices committed by big business, in the long and hard-fought Cold War against a diabolical system.

Things Are Different

But now twenty-five years later the situation has reversed and our alliance is dead.

I propose we Evangelicals do a major re-think about our standing alliance with Big Business.

It is no longer popular, and therefore profitable, for Big Business to be pro-morality.

In the recent tussles over gay rights and same-sex marriage, when there’s a conflict between the conscience of a Christian business owner and the social agenda to require absolute approval of homosexuality, Big Business has firmly come down on the side of cultural progressivism and sexual liberation.

The nub of the matter is we are commanded by God to discriminate, not participate in, or lend a hand to evil.

We cannot, of course, stop evils from happening.

But we are never to help evils happen, make evil comfortable, or make evil convenient or easier for people to do.

Beyond passive resistance and non-participation in evil, we are even called to actively resist evil and to expose evil for what it is–presenting Christ as the alternative and the only rescue from evil.

Big Business, and Progressive Big Government, are now allies.

These co-joined twins will never be content to allow us to practice our biblical morality in every sphere of life, let alone in our churches.

They are coming for us.

Take the Boy Scouts.

It was corporate sponsors’ pressure against the ban on openly homosexual members that is behind the BSA’s recent reversal.

Even as the Boy Scouts relaxed their nationwide ban against homosexual adult leaders, many corporate voices are calling them to abolish the religious group exception the BSA gave to religious-sponsored troops.

Big business leaders, by-and-large, don’t give a hoot for conscience, let alone Christian conscience that cannot and will not enable, support, endorse, and accept a clearly anti-biblical and immoral behavior: homosexuality.

In the recent efforts by some states to grant exceptions to religious businesses owners, particularly in the wedding industry, to not participate in same-sex weddings, they have been opposed and overturned by big business.

Their true colors are showing.

They are not our friends.

They are our enemies and are in bed with those who would purge us from society and require us to embrace practices God absolutely hates and for which He sends people to Hell.

Time to Politically Divorce Big Business

For this reason, we Evangelicals have good cause to divorce Big Business politically.

But there are other reasons, reasons we should never have forgotten in the first place, for this overdue political divorce and realignment with pro-small business, pro-worker, and anti-corruption forces.

For one thing, the Bible says, “Greed…is idolatry”.

The worship of unfettered money-making and materialism is as bad a sin as homosexuality, and it also send people to Hell.

In fact, Jesus bluntly says, “You cannot worship God and money!”

And, especially in the Old Testament, those who exploit day laborers and withhold pay and abuse their workers are subject to the severe judgment of God.

He promises to hear their cry.

Not Socialism

Have I turned socialist?  Absolutely not!

Am I proposing an alliance with progressives?  No.

What I am saying is there are many small business owners on Main Street, and many underpaid and exploited workers, who are not well served by Big Business, to put it mildly.

Many of them are believers, and many of them are still very friendly to morality.

In a fallen world and in a democracy, we’ll find common cause with some strange groups and unlikely allies at times.

Now that the Cold War is over, and now that Big Business is aggressively seeking to impose a social order that denies us our ability to conscientiously object and refuse to participate in immorality, it’s time to end our unholy alliance with them.

The sooner, the better, as far as I’m concerned.